At the School of Startups, UPTEC – Science and Technology Park of University of Porto provides dedicated programmes to support various innovation paths: for entrepreneurs, researchers, students and corporations.

Now accepting applications, the School of Startups for Entrepreneurs is a 3-month business ideas acceleration programme which provides the boost your idea needs to thrive.

With 90+ hours of intensive hands-on training and personalised mentorship from industry experts, this programme will help you validate your idea within the market.



Pitch Day is the climax of the School of Startups.


In this open event, participants will showcase new projects, new ideas and the best innovations that have emerged from the 12th edition of UPTEC’s acceleration programme.



The School of Startups provides the resources, guidance, and environment to set your business on a path to success. Over 90 hours of immersive, hands-on training and personalised mentorship will equip you with the tools to validate and grow your idea in the market.

Who Can Apply: Future entrepreneurs who have business ideas on arts, sciences, technologies, health or cleantech and wish to start their own company.

Duration: October 2025 – January 2026

Language: English

Format: in-person

Location: UPTEC Asprela I

Apply now and benefit from an EARLY BIRD discount in the participation fee!

The School of Startups provides the resources, guidance, and environment to set your business on a path to success. Over 90 hours of immersive, hands-on training and personalised mentorship will equip you with the tools to validate and grow your idea in the market.

Duration: October 2025 – January 2026

Language: English

Format: in-person

Location: UPTEC Asprela I

Who Can Apply: Future entrepreneurs who have business ideas on arts, sciences, technologies, health or cleantech and wish to start their own company.


Engage within the UPTEC ecosystem

Training conducted by experts

Mentoring and guidance

Pitch training sessions

Networking with partners, investors and entrepreneurs

Connection with industry, startups and academia


Explore our diverse range of programmes designed for specific groups, each with its own set of benefits and support structures. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a researcher with groundbreaking ideas, or a corporate innovator, we offer specialised support to help you achieve your goals.


Tailored towards up-and-coming entrepreneurs, this programme provides the resources, guidance, and environment to set new businesses on a path to success through immersive, hands-on training and personalised mentorship.

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Specifically for researchers, master’s and PhD students, this programme aims to empower them with the necessary tools to identify meaningful problems and develop entrepreneurial skills to validate the underlying business models.

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The School of Startups powered by Fundação António Pargana is a week-long programme for Portuguese descendants to immerse themselves in the Portuguese entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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This programme is tailored for corporate looking to innovate from within and leverage startup practices to drive new business opportunities.

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Success Stories

Success Stories







Raised by startups


Accelerated Projects


New companies

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Tatiana Sá Marques

"Participating in the School of Startups allowed me to acquire more knowledge on fundamental issues for developing and consolidating the WiseShape project. The sessions were always very diverse and interactive and the speakers made their contacts available so that we could clarify specific doubts about our project, making the programme more complete and efficient. The follow-up meetings with UPTEC's team were also useful in helping to define strategies and concretise actions."

Bruno Azevedo

"Our path on the School of Startups was an important moment for our growth as entrepreneurs and anticipated the implementation of our mission as a team and company. Before that, we developed technology and during the programme, we got resources to develop value propositions for society, clients and partners."
Building Pictures

Sara Nunes

"When I enrolled in the first class of the School of Startups, Building Pictures was just a dream! Turning that dream into a business was only possible with UPTEC. More than just training on how to develop a business plan, it gave us access to a network of mentors, contacts and projects that made our value proposition more solid."

Luís Sousa Vieira

"The School of startups proved invaluable in acquiring the necessary skills to launch our company successfully. It provided comprehensive training and mentorship. Through workshops, networking events, and one-on-one guidance, we gained the confidence and knowledge to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and build a solid foundation for our company's growth."

Tiago Sá

"The School of Startups was extremely important for our journey. It gave us fundamental skills for creating a solid and robust company. The mentoring we received from the beginning of the programme was —and still is— absolutely essential for Wisecrop’s success."
FAHR 021.3

Filipa Frois Almeida

"FAHR 021.3 participated in the School of Startups in 2014, at a time when it was an early stage. This participation was important, as it provided FAHR knowledge and tools, which helped to establish new directions. We also had the opportunity to share information with other colleagues and meet potential partner companies and customers."

Samuel Gonçalves

"The School of Startups worked as the real kick-off for SUMMARY’s activity. At that moment, it was just me and a PC. In this programme, for the very first time, I got the tool kit I needed to make it grow: building a network and getting mentoring and practical knowledge about pricing, marketing and communication."

Gonçalo e Miguel

"School of Startups allowed us to add important knowledge to our project so that we would be prepared for the market when we were ready to set up the company. We address important topics related to accounting and the industry in which we operate and we also had access to the UPTEC network. We can only suggest signing up if you want to step forward."
Tatara Razors

João Moniz Gomes

"It is not enough to have the idea, determination and dynamism. To create a business, you have to start. Making decisions towards our goal and being surrounded by people who positively influence us on this path is very important. The School of Startups was exactly that "fuel" for Tatara Razors and allowed us to transform an idea into a sustainable and successful business."


School of Startups powered by Fundação António Pargana


A week-long programme for Portuguese descendants to immerse themselves in the Portuguese entrepreneurial ecosystem.


UPTEC will award two Inclusion Scholarships for free access to the School of Startups to women entrepreneurs and people of African descent. These scholarships are part of UPTEC’s actions to correct inequalities in entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem access. 

Also, UPTEC will award four more grants for arts-related projects, projects with a social and environmental impact. 

If you want to apply for a scholarship, please indicate it on the application form. These scholarships are sponsored by Santander. 


October 24

Applications Open

November 27

Application deadline for scholarships

December 9 -13


January 29

Pitch Day

Application form questions

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Project related questions

Team related questions

Questions about the founder


Yes, I agree
Yes, I agree

Please read the School of Startups’ regulation here.

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